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Associate of Arts In

Intercultural Ministry

Learn to live on mission worldwide with the online Associate of Arts in Intercultural Ministry. Gain biblical, spiritual, and practical training, plus an optional global internship for real-world experience in overseas missions.

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Program Objectives

Understand God’s redemptive story in Scripture.
Learn the church’s mission and global calling.
Develop essential skills for effective mission work.
Master contextualizing the gospel for diverse cultures.
Adapt with confidence to different cultural values.

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Program Requirements

The following outlines the course requirements needed to complete the Associate of Arts degree, totaling 60 credits.

I. General Education


English Composition I (ENG111) 3
English Composition II: Critical Thinking and Research Methods (ENG112) 3
World Religions (HUM211) 3
Cultural Anthropology (HUM212) 3
Linguistics (LNG221) 3
Personal Finance (MAT211) 3
Mental Health and Physical Wellness (SSC112) 3

II. Bible & Theology


The Gospel of the Kingdom and Work of the Holy Spirit (BTH122) 3
Fundamentals of Christian Theology (BTH131) 3
Hermeneutics (BTH141) 3
Pauline Epistles (BTH221) 3
Teaching and Preaching (CHM241) 3
Missional Ecclesiology (MIS112) 3
Life in the Spirit: Training in Godliness (SPD211) 2

III. Intercultural Ministry


Intercultural Ministry Preparation (CHM211) 3
Short Term Ministry Practicum and Re-Entry (CHM221) 3
Intro to Missions (MIS111) 3
Disciple-Making Movements: Principles and Praxis (MIS113) 3
Missional Theology (MIS212) 3
Missional Leadership Structures (MIS213) 3

IV. Additional Programmatic Requirements


Freshman Seminar (BGU111) 1
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